Friday, May 2, 2008

Playground Melodies

     English is atonal.
     Adults are monotonal.
     But the kids are all singsong


     This here mocking melody has many variations - neeners, nahs, and ners. It is sung to the tune of Ring around the Rosie. The dominant interval is a Minor Third, between the G (poo) and the E (poo).

     The following 2 note melody is delivered in rounds right before a game of Freeze Tag. The interval is a Whole Tone, between the E and D.

     Both Nana Nana Poo Poo and Not It belong to the key C Major Pentatonic (5 note scale).


     It is a happy key, for there are no semitones to create tension and longing. Most lullabies and folk diddies are in Major Pentatonic.

     COMING SOON: More playground songs like "Relay", "Challenge", and "Farted On."

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